Featuring: Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos
Release: June 8, 1965
Cover: August 1965
12 cents
Story by: Smilin’ Stan Lee
Pencilling by: Darlin’ Dick Ayers
Inking by: Cheerful Carl Hubbell
Lettering by: Adorable Artie Simek
20 pages
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I’m sorry kid. I know what it’s like– to lose someone!

The Howlers seem to have been betrayed by their Czechoslovakian bomb maker, Dr. Zenish.

They deduce that it’s because his family is being used as hostages against him.

So the Howlers head to Czechoslovakia to rescue his wife and daughter. Part of the continued attempts of this series to take them to every possible World War II location.

Fury impersonates a Nazi general by snapping fingers a lot.

Eat your heart out, Snapper Carr!
They get the daughter out, but learn his wife had been murdered by the Nazis.

This leads Nick to remember Pam.
They proceed to liberate the concentration camp and then need to make their way home.
With some aid from the French Resistance, they make it to Omaha Beach, and then finally to the Cliffs of Dover.

Rating: ★★½, 47/100
Significance: ★★☆☆☆
Interior scans are taken from Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #123.
- Izzy Cohen
- Sgt. Nick Fury
- Gabe Jones
- Pinky Pinkerton
- Dino Manelli
- Dum-Dum Dugan
- Rebel Ralston
- Captain “Happy Sam” Sawyer
- Bull McGiveney
- Dr. Zenish
- Miss Zenish
Minor characters:
- Armand (French Underground)
- Francois (French Underground)
Story notes:
- A bomb accidentally went off and Izzy fears the other Commandos are dead.
- Sawyer and Fury investigate why the radio trigger was haywire.
- Howlers get 3-day pass to go to London, visit Pig & Whistle, where they find Bull McGiveney.
- Dr. Zenish is a Czechoslovakian national and no longer wishes to serve the Allies.
- The doctor’s family in occupied Czechoslovakia, last seen in Kraslice (in modern Czechia), near the German border.
- Howlers steal car and outfit of high-ranking Nazi officer en route to Prague.
- Captured German reveals Zenishes are in Dotschwitz Camp, 50 km south. (Not real camp; likely take on Auschwitz)
- Mrs. Zenish died weeks ago in the camp.
- Plane to take Howlers home destroyed; Howlers retaliate and drive home.
- Howlers take train French Underground intends to destroy.
- In Paris, Fury infiltrates Nazi broadcasts to get message to Sam who initiates Operation Scoop.
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