Featuring: Electro
Release: December 20, 1939 (estimated)
Cover: February 1940
10 cents
By: Dahl
8 pages

The comic is signed “Dahl”. This refers to creator Steve Dahlman.

We just met Spider-Man’s new nemesis, Electro. Electro is the third Marvel character with that name. The second was a 1950s foe of Captain America. We’ll read his story in the near future with some other Captain America stories. The original is this robot.

Professor Zog created Electro to be (essentially) a superhero. He recruited a team of 12 heroes for hire to help him see justice done. His operatives investigate crimes, while Electro waits in reserve.

The setup allows for most of the stories to focus on the human characters doing some investigating, until they get into serious trouble, when they can summon the story’s deus ex machina to finish the job.
This story involves one of the operatives, #3, investigating the kidnapping of a child actress. He almost seems to have the situation wrapped up on his own. But then a criminal breaks loose and shoots him in the arm. It’s time to call for the help of Electro.

Electro will appear in the next 15 issues of Marvel Mystery Comics before disappearing for over 60 years. Until J. Michael Straczynksi and Chris Weston revived 12 obscure Golden Age Marvel heroes for their 2007 series, “The Twelve”.
Rating: ★★★☆☆, 53/100
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: Golden Age Marvel Comics vol. 1.
You can also find it on Kindle.
- Professor Philo Zog
- Dick Gardner
- Hymie Pazetto/Weasel
- Little Joyce Lovely
Minor characters:
- Toby (Weasel henchman)
Story notes:
- Electro a robot, or mechanical man, described as “all-powerful and intelligent”.
- Professor Zog wants to work for justice and universal happiness, and against wars, crime, and suffering.
- Remote control electra-waves transfer Zog’s thoughts to his metal head-piece and then to Electro.
- Zog recruits his team of crimefighters from an employment agency. He seeks husky, intelligent young men.
- Zog is wealthy and will fund this effort.
- Zog’s valet is Mr. Burke. I can’t tell that we actually see him in this issue.
- Each operative gets a tiny wire-less telephone apparatus by which they can call Zog to get help from Electro.
- Dick Gardner, Electro secret operative #3.
- Little Joyce Lovely, child actress was kidnapped.
- Kidnapping orchestrated by Hymie Pazetto– the Weasel.
- Weasel’s headquarters at Purple Slipper, a road-house on Highway 16.
Next: Tales of Suspense #50
Previous: Amazing Spider-Man #9