Release: November 1, 2000
Cover: January, 2001
Story: Brian Michael Bendis and Bill Jemas
Script: Brian Michael Bendis
Pencils: Mark Bagley
Inks: Art Thibert
22 pages

So we’re working our way through Ultimate Spider-Man #1-5 and contrasting with the origin of Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy #15, with particular emphasis on why one story is 12 times longer than the other. This issue covers the ground of pages 5-7 of the original story.
Part of the reason the story is longer is that other things happen. This issue dedicates 4 pages to the story of Norman Osborn on the path to becoming Green Goblin. And along the way is setting up Dr. Octopus. We had previously met Dr. Octavius, but first see his metal arms here.

There is also a subplot about Peter joining the basketball team, absent from the original comics. Along the lines of that subplot, he isn’t being a good friend to MJ. We didn’t see anything like this in his origin story because he didn’t have any friends. But his secret identity affecting his friendships will become a theme of the ongoing Spider-man series. These subplots get 5 pages.

Aunt May and Uncle Ben get a page dedicated to them. This is interesting because Peter is secretly funneling the cash he makes as Spider-Man to them. In the original, Peter was being purely selfish. He was making money for himself. This is a significant thematic change.

In the original, Spider-Man made his debut as a wrestler, then a promoter got him a television gig. Here, he stays as a wrestler. The comic gives an explanation for the mask and secret identity: they wouldn’t let a kid wrestle. Peter’s wrestling career consumes half the pages of this issue. The whole television gig is the only part of the original that doesn’t make its way here in some fashion.

In the original, he designed his own costume. Here, he designs a crappy costume, so the wrestling promoter has a better one made for him.

Again, the cover is awful.
Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5), 63/100
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man
- Mary Jane
- Norman Osborn
- Justin
- Crusher Hogan
- Kong
- Flash Thompson
- Harry Osborn
- Aunt May
- Uncle Ben
- Dr. Otto Octavius
Minor characters:
- Coach
- Wrestling promoter
Story notes:
- Peter designs mask because they won’t let a kid wrestle
- Peter gives all wrestling money to May and Ben
- The wrestling promoter names him Spider-Man
- We see Dr. Octopus with arms
- Wrestling organization named UCW Spankdown
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