Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: December 3, 1964
Cover: February 1965
12 cents
A Stan Lee and Jack Kirby fabulous featurette!
Inked by: Vince Colletta
Lettered by: Artie Simek
5 pages
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The story is credited to Stan and Jack without any breakdown of who did what.
Stan refers to this as the “biographies-in-depth” series. There’s not that much depth. This is the second chapter of Loki’s “biography” and the third character spotlighted after Heimdall and Balder.
The faces of young Thor and Kirby look really weird. Uncertain if I should blame Kirby or Colletta. When in doubt, I’ll blame Colletta.

Loki is jealous of Thor. The warriors think Thor will be a great and wise prince, and that Loki may turn to evil. Thor is better at physical contests and also always right.
Loki’s advantage is magic he learned from the Norn witch women.
Loki vows to destroy Thor one day. A few millennia later, he’s still working on it.
Rating: ★★½, 47/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 3. It is also available in Thor Epic Collection vol. 1: God of Thunder. Or on Kindle.
- Thor
- Loki
- Uller
- Volsak
Story notes:
- Young Loki and Thor watch tournament which involves hooking a quarterstaff.
- Thor bets on Uller; Loki wages a golden globule on Volsak.
- Uller’s staff breaks by Loki’s magic.
- Thor describes Loki as his brother.
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