Featuring: Tales of Asgard
Release: May 5, 1964
Cover: July 1964
12 cents
Written with passion by: Stan Lee
Drawn with pageantry by: Jack Kirby
Inked with power by: Vince Colletta
Lettered with pride by: Art Simek
5 pages

We recently met Vince Colletta over in Daredevil. This issue begins Vince Colletta’s long relationship with Thor, spanning almost a decade. He will be the regular inker on “Tales of Asgard” from here on out, and soon graduate to the main title. He will be the inker for over 60 consecutive issues and remain a frequent inker on the title thereafter.
Contrasting his work with, say, Chic Stone, we see more hatchings to represent shadow and shape than we have been seeing, yet less crispness. The features are often softer and less defined. I’ve seen it described as “atmospheric”.
The next two chapters of “Tales of Asgard” will focus on Balder. Let’s review his history.
He was named as one of the gods present at the end of Journey Into Mystery #85. Yet, we saw him only from the back, if at all. We next see him in issue 102, a tale set in Thor’s youth, where he seems to be older: grey hair with a thick Boltonesque mustache. We learn in that issue that Sif is his sister. We see him fully in the present in issue 104, teamed with Odin and Thor against Surtur and Skagg. He appeared much younger and handsomer this time, and it is that look we see again this issue.

Notice Tyr was also present in that first scene from issue 85. We meet him again this issue and get a better look at him (though still don’t see his face). We learn he is Asgard’s master archer. Apparently, Tuesday translates to “Tyr’s Day”.
Honir is the champion spear thrower of Asgard and the brother of… somebody. I interpreted the text to mean Tyr was his brother. A poorly placed determiner could refer to Balder or Odin just as easily. A check of online sources suggests other fans interpret it to mean Balder was his brother. However, he is the brother of Odin in some Norse legends, and we did learn in issue 97 that Odin had two brothers. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe interprets Honir’s brother to be Balder, but hedges on the issue, using the word “alleged”. It really is a badly placed determiner with unclear antecedent.

Balder had abandoned Odin’s army during a battle in order to rescue a baby bird. Odin calls this excuse “lame”. Odin thus orders the Test of Mortal Death. There are many objections as Balder is well-loved.

Balder faces the arrow of Tyr, the spear of Honir, and the hammer of Thor unflinching. He is saved each time from death by a hawk, a tree, and Odin himself respectively.

Having passed the test, he is given the gift of invincibility. Next issue, we will put that gift to the test.

Rating: ★★★☆☆, 54/100
Significance: ★★★☆☆
I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 2. It is also available in Thor Epic Collection vol. 1: God of Thunder. Or on Kindle.
- Balder
- Odin
- Tyr
- Honir
- Thor
Story notes:
- The narrator describes Honir as “his” brother. The antecedent is unclear. It could refer to Tyr, Balder, or Odin. Consensus suggests Honir is the brother of Balder. The text is unclear.
- Narrator informs us Balder has one vulnerability.
- Balder passed Odin’s crazy test by being brave in the face of death. He is “Balder the Brave”.
#211 story in reading order
Next: Tales to Astonish #58
Previous: Journey Into Mystery #106