The Gladiator from Outer Space!
Featuring: Hulk
Release: September 4, 1962
Cover: November 1962
12 cents
Credits: Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
10 pages

I read this story in Incredible Hulk Omnibus vol. 1. I derived the inker from this volume, whereas Lee and Kirby had signed the original. Other comics this month got more complete credits, but not this one.
Is this the 5th alien invasion in recent months? Spoiler… no. It’s a Cold War story. Mongu is a Commie villain, just like Gargoyle, Executioner, Destroyer, or the spies that attacked Ant-Man. The Soviets disguised themselves as space aliens as part of an elaborate trap for the Hulk. It went about as well as you might expect for them.

There’s not much worth noting in this story. Its main feature is giving us a chance to see the Professor Hulk status quo introduced in the first half of the issue in action.
When all is said and done, Hulk somehow gets the blame. Normally recognized as a rampaging monster, the public is now angry with him for what they perceive as a publicity stunt on his part.

Rating: ★★½, 46/100
Significance: ★☆☆☆☆
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Rick Jones
- Boris Monguski/Mongu
Story notes:
- Mongu issued a challenge to find the strongest person to face him. Where is the Thing in all this?
- Hulk has super-sensitive ears
- Hulk blamed for rigging fight
#29 story in reading order
Next: Fantastic Four #9
Previous: Incredible Hulk #4