The entire staff here at Coke & Comics would like to wish a happy birthday to Spider-Man, created 58 years ago today, June 5 1962.

Of course, it was a big day for Marvel, as they also introduced Thor and Ant-Man the very same day.
We don’t celebrate their birthdays today because of technicalities. I did some research and it turns out the character of Thor was actually introduced many centuries earlier. It’s only Marvel’s well-known version that was introduced in 1962. And while Dr. Henry Pym first donned the Ant-Man costume on this date, he himself was introduced almost a year earlier, a scientist with a shrinking formula who hadn’t yet thought to become a superhero.
To celebrate this auspicious occasion, we invite you to look back on the posts we made over a year ago, discussing the introduction of Spider-Man. And sure, of Thor and Ant-Man as well.
Happy B-Day