The Impossible Man
Featuring: Fantastic Four
Release: November 1, 1962
Cover: February 1963
12 cents
Story: Stan Lee
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: Dick Ayers
11 pages

I read this story in Fantastic Four Omnibus vol. 1.
In some ways, this is a fill-in issue of FF, a break from their serious adventures. The first half of the issue gave the team to address their real-life letters in-story in an extended letters page. This half features a gag character. He reminds one of DC antagonists such as Bat-Mite or Mr. Mxyp– I mean Mr. Mxyzpl– I mean, that imp who annoys Superman.
The adversary is from the planet Poppup, a race that has learned to instantly evolve. The Impossible Man is essentially unbeatable, but not really a villain. Their initial conflict is just intergalactic cross-cultural misunderstanding; later, the Impossible Man is just trying to amuse himself. The FF should probably have tried to deescalate and defuse the situation.

How do you defeat an unbeatable enemy? Boredom!

One detail I appreciate is that it doesn’t occur to the Impossible Man that everyone can’t just transform into whatever shape at will. He just took it for granted. I wonder what assumptions we would make about alien life forms we encounter.
Rating: ★★½, 47/100
Significance: ★★★★☆
- Impossible Man
- Thing
- Mr. Fantastic
- Invisible Girl
- Human Torch
Minor characters:
- Mr. Howell (banker)
- Mike (police officer)
- Joe (police officer)
- Killer (Boxer)
Story notes:
- Impossible Man from Planet Poppup. A dangerous world, so its inhabitants are able to instantly evolve.
- “Pop!” sound effects when Impossible Man transforms
#39 story in reading order
Next: Strange Tales #105
Previous: Fantastic Four #11