Today Yesterday Two days ago marks 4 years since I started this silly blog. Thanks to everybody for reading along! And we’ve covered an even 4 years of Marvel history in that time.
If I could keep up reading a year each year, I’d be really happy. But Marvel’s publishing rate will be increasing faster than my blogging rate.
What kind of year has it been?
We end the year fortuitously with basically my favorite Marvel comic, Amazing Spider-Man #33.

We started the year with Fantastic Four #39, a great Fantastic Four comic, and a key turning point into the title’s shift into becoming the world’s greatest comic magazine.

Key issues we’ve covered include the Crime-Master Saga starting with Amazing Spider-Man #26… the debut of SHIELD and Hydra in Strange Tales #135… the introduction of Hercules in Journey Into Mystery Annual 1… the debut of Namor’s new series in Tales to Astonish #70… the wedding of Reed and Sue in Fantastic Four Annual 3… the debut of the Sentinels in X-Men #14… Iron Man’s epic battle with Titanium Man beginning in Tales of Suspense #69… the introduction of the Swordsman in Avengers #19… the beginning of the Eternity Saga with Strange Tales #130… leading to the debut of Eternity in Strange Tales #138… the introduction of Power Man in Avengers #21… Wally Wood bidding Marvel goodbye with Daredevil #11… the introduction of Ravonna in Avengers #23… the introduction of the Inhumans as Joe Sinnot joined the art team in Fantastic Four #44… and of course the Master Planner Saga kicking off in Amazing Spider-Man #31, featuring the introductions of Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn. Plus a promising new writer named Roy Thomas joined the staff with Modeling with Millie #44.

And we read Marvels #2 to frame it all.

We also added one entry to our Great Comics series, the hilarious Tick #3.
And put out a tie-in to the recent Ant-Man and Wasp film spotlighting Kang. I have vague plans to put out a spotlight on Warlock before the upcoming Guardians film. We’ll see if I get around to it.
Some great comics this last year and some great ones ahead. The very best Fantastic Four issues are coming up soon, as well as the epic conclusion of the Eternity Saga!

Happy birthday to my favorite blog!
I’ve surpassed your pace at this point, but I treasure your posts. Please keep it up!
Not sure if you’re familiar with the Marvel a Day folks: They post on social media and are keeping to the advertised pace. They started after me but are years ahead now. In fairness, there are like 6 of them and one of me, and I write a lot more.
Hey there. A happy 4th birthday to this fantastic bolg. So happy to see FF#51 prominently featured up there, as I just mentioned that terrific ish in a previous post in the Spidey #33 thread.
Thanks so much for your efforts sir!
Many hours of enjoyment. I read the monster comics and bought FF #1 off the newsstands when I was 6, so I grew up through this wonderful age. I forgot how much terrible writing there was in the beginning on Human Torch, Thor, and Iron Man. That’s probably why I didn’t buy them like I did FF, Spidey, and the Avengers.
Great blog…..I have a zillion Silver and Bronze Age Marvels……nothing beats them.
Thanks for all your hard work,it`s appreciated.
This is the one place that makes me feel as if I’m reading the Spider-Man saga for the first time. I don’t feel young again – if anything, I can see more in this story than I could then, compare my growing up to how much I still identify with the original Peter Parker, and recall dangerous and hard times that required I become such a man to never give up,
Heroic fiction can be this effective – for all of us, Joseph Cambell was on the right track.