The Return of the Wizard!
Featuring: Human Torch
Release: November 8, 1962
Cover: February 1963
12 cents
Plot: Stan Lee
Script: Larry Lieber
Art: Jack Kirby
Inking: Dick Ayers
13 pages

I read this story in Marvel Masterworks: The Human Torch vol. 1.
It’s time to reflect back on this series so far: it’s not very good. Now, the Fantastic Four comic is pretty good. This has the same creators and features a character from that comic. But they don’t seem to be bringing their A-game to this title.
There’s a couple things to notice about the Fantastic Four comics. The first is that Johnny has a pretty minor role in those stories. Most of the focus and character development is on Reed and Ben. Those are the characters Lee and Kirby seem interested in, notably the two male characters about their age, as opposed to the woman and teenager, who almost seem to be there as token characters.
Also, notice the Fantastic Four comic never gives any hints that this series exists. It’s never mentioned Glenville. Johnny continues to be open about his Human Torch identity there, while hiding it here. Johnny seems to always be in the Baxter Building; it seems like he lives there. Johnny’s solo adventures are just never mentioned.
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