Featuring: Thor
Release: February 4, 1964
Cover: April 1964
12 cents
Written by: Stan Lee, master of fantasy
Illustrated by: Jack Kirby, master of picto-drama
Inked by: Chic Stone
Lettered by: S. Rosen
13 pages

The phrase “feature-length” clearly means nothing to Stan. 13 pages is the same length the Thor stories have always been. It’s only half a comic.

I had some trouble deciding where it was best to read this story. I had originally posted it a little early, I decided, and moved it to where it fits in terms of publication dates, after the introduction of Black Widow. I’m not sure when it best takes place chronologically.
We start with Thor returning to the 20th century from the future, so there’s no time gap between the beginning of this story and Journey Into Mystery #102. Dr. Blake needs a nap, and we do have a short time gap before the main action of the story begins.
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