The Mighty Thor vs. the Executioner
Release: July 3, 1962
Cover: September 1962
12 cents
Credits: Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
Writers: Stan Lee and Larry Lieber
13 pages

I read this comic in Marvel Masterworks: The Mighty Thor vol. 1. The issue doesn’t seem to have formal credits, but the first page has the signatures of Kirby and Ayers. The collection’s table of contents notes Stan Lee and Larry Lieber are the writers.

There’s a revolution in the country of San Diablo (mi español es muy rusty, but I think that translates to “Saint Devil”, which suggests the requirements for sainthood have really loosened). A pro-communist dictator has seized power, but is engaged in civil war with a democratic faction. The dictator is called the Executioner because he executes a lot of people. Dr. Don Blake travels on a medical expedition to help out in San Diablo. The Executioner interferes as he wants the people weak and subservient. But, well… Thor.
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