Happy holidays to all and thank you for reading along!
We’ll be taking a short break while I do some holiday travel, but look for us fresh in the new year when we will see Iron Man battle Attuma and learn the origin of the Red Skull!

Happy holidays to all and thank you for reading along!
We’ll be taking a short break while I do some holiday travel, but look for us fresh in the new year when we will see Iron Man battle Attuma and learn the origin of the Red Skull!
My favorite community for the discussion of comic books online is the Classic Comics Forum.
And my favorite tradition housed there is the Twelve Days of Classic Comics Christmas. Which has just begun, as the 12 Days of Christmas have begun.
The forum has been around since 2014, but the tradition goes back to 2005. I’ve been a participant since 2006. Every year, there is a comic-related theme. And you choose your 12 favorite entries in that theme.
The theme this year is Your Twelve Favorite Comic Book Crossovers. The thread I linked to has all the fine print for the rules. In particular, this is not for big crossovers with teams or many characters. We’re focused especially on two-way crossovers between comic book titles or between comic book characters and external franchises.
As I am making my entries there, I will cross-post to this blog. So stay tuned to discover my Twelve Favorite Comic Book Crossovers.
In the meantime, consider registering an account and joining the community as CCF yourself. Then tell us what your favorite crossovers are.