Featuring: Spider-Man
Release: June 1, 1965
Cover: 1965
25 cents
Written and edited by the toast of Marvel: Stan Lee
Plotted and drawn by the boast of Marvel: Steve Ditko
Lettered and bordered by the ghost of Marvel: Sam Rosen
20 pages
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Amazing Spider-Man #28 | Reading order | Sgt. Fury #21 |
Amazing Spider-Man Annual 1, Story C | Amazing Spider-Man Annual | Amazing Spider-Man Annual 3 |
“May the Vishanti watch over thee!”
“And may your amulet never tickle!”
This is a great comic, but it seems like they forgot to make a cover for it. It’s actually a decent picture by Ditko with the many Spider-Men of various poses and sizes. But a picture of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange would be in order. A missed opportunity as Dr. Strange gets so few cover appearances, sharing his title with Human Torch or Nick Fury.
Next week, we will read Strange Tales #136, except not the entire issue. We’ll skip the Dr. Strange story, just as we have skipped the Dr. Strange Stories from #130-135. And I appreciate your patience, I really do.
I decide what order to read these in based on when they came out and when the stories take place, sometimes heavily weighting either one over the other on a whim.
Because Dr. Strange appears in this story and an upcoming Fantastic Four story, and I judged there’s no room for him to do so after #130, we are holding off on the Dr. Strange stories until after these two guest appearances.
I’ve made no secret of the fact that I think Dr. Strange and Spider-Man are Marvel’s two best titles at the moment, courtesy of the fact that I think Steve Ditko is the greatest graphic storyteller of all time.
They finally meet. For sort of the first time. They had a brief meeting in the last Amazing Spider-Man Annual.

As far as Dr. Strange knows, this is the first meeting between him and Spider-Man. He and Peter Parker have briefly crossed paths, and it seems likely that Peter would remember the encounter while Strange would not.
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