Tales to Astonish #54, Story C


Featuring: Wasp
Release: January 3, 1964
Cover: April 1964
12 cents
Dreamed up by: Stan Lee
Scribbled + sketched by: Larry Lieber
Finished in India ink by: Sol Brodsky
Lettered + bordered by: At Simek
5 pages

Last issue, Porcupine seemed very interested in trying to learn Giant-Man’s secret identity. But Wasp’s mask has never covered her face and she doesn’t seem that concerned about her secret identity.

In fact, here we see her babysitting a friend’s child in costume. He refers to her as “Aunt Jan”. Maybe Porcupine wasn’t the genius he thought he was. It’s like thinking people somehow knew Sue was Invisible Girl but not that Johnny was Human Torch.

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